Dissemination of body fluids is the main way to spread hepatitis B, hepatitis B virus containing the blood and body fluids through blood transfusion and blood products (including whole blood, plasma, and serum gamma globulin, etc.), the collective vaccination, such as acupuncture and drug injection And the dissemination of the way. The syringe sterilized, such as hospitals strictly, or even to do endoscopy, colonoscopy, laparoscopy, endoscopy and so on choledochoscope or involved in a variety of treatment and surgery can cause spread of intubation. And a considerable number of them are living in close contact with infected before. Studies have shown that the patient's saliva, semen and vaginal secretion in both the hepatitis virus may contain, so single-minded sexual behavior is not caused by hepatitis viruses such wide dissemination of important ways. Although the purification of blood products and disposable syringes and acupuncture needles to promote the dissemination of injection so that the proportion has dropped, due to the sensitivity of the screening method of injecting drug users, as well as restrictions on the mode of transmission is not easy to eradicate in a short period of time in the future by the spread of injecting Still the main way, living in close contact with the secondary transmission. Hepatitis B Virus after placenta can also be spread to the birth canal or the baby, but also through breast-feeding, feeding, etc. to the baby. Mother to child transmission of hepatitis B virus in China about the proportion of infants infected with HBV in 1 / 3. As for the blood-sucking insects (such as mosquitoes) although the spread of hepatitis B virus may be, but the lack of sufficient evidence.
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