Hepatitis B drug's "four principles"

Pay attention to safety First of all, the treatment of hepatitis B drug would like to emphasize safety, easy changes in hepatitis B patients treated long, single-drug treatment difficult to achieve the purpose, it is the use of combination therapy, medication safety is the primary. Years ago have used a variety of hepatitis drug, was later proved to be unsafe, for example, Vidarabine, phosphine formic acid, are likely to cause renal dysfunction. At present, the use of interferon, lamivudine and other equally serious hidden safety problems, if improperly used, choice of inappropriate or stop may lead to aggravate their condition. Chinese medicine also the existence of insecurity. Some Chinese herbs and Chinese medicine formulations have been proven to clear the role of liver damage, such as Chinese herbs Fructus Xanthii, crassirhizoma, Tripterygium, Trichosanthin, nutmeg, mint,etc.; proprietary Chinese medicines are Xiaochaihu soup, Qingdai compound pill , elimination of nuclear films,grams of silver. Therefore, in order to avoid abuse and extended, over-use, for civil prescription, prescriptions must be used with caution to prevent poisoning. There is the history of drug allergy or an allergy patients, in the event of drug-induced liver injury, we must terminate the drug use and timely to the regular hospital treatment. The pursuit of effectiveness Hepatitis B is now a lot of old drugs, such as oral famciclovir, acyclovir have been confirmed to be invalid, is now phasing out. At present, the main treatment of hepatitis B drug - anti-HBV drugs, recognized only interferon, lamivudine and other several other advertised with the nature of anti-HBV drugs, has yet to be approved unanimously. In addition, hundreds of so-called "Baogan drugs", there is only one part to improve the liver function, reducing the role of liver inflammation. Therefore, patients with medication must be taken seriously and choice should not be reckless haste, must not rely on advertising and other publicity. To promote economy Treatment of hepatitis B costly, expensive drugs are well known, the vagaries of hepatitis B patients, medication continuously, and many patients. Therefore patients with hepatitis B drug use must be prudent and less money to spend wronged. For example, with liver function JiangMei many drugs, select agents, we must take into account the economic capacity, shop around, choose low-cost drugs, such as Ganlixin injection. Many long-term efficacy of new drugs have not been determined, together with the prices are very high, should not be recommended as first-line drugs trial. For example, adefovir, State Food and Drug Administration has not yet formally approved the listing of the drug imports, and many patients have heard that the drug efficacy, and can replace lamivudine, then lost its patience, seek to fight drugs everywhere. Some also purchase of medicines from overseas on their own trial and costly, but the lack of guidance note for the use of drugs, dosage, treatment and so all I do not know, medication is difficult to predict late adverse reactions. Grasp the appropriateness The appropriateness of the principle of rational drug use is mainly reflected in the following areas: appropriate drugs according to the body in patients with diseases and conditions, a variety of factors to weigh the pros and cons of drugs to choose the most appropriate drugs. For example, early in patients with liver cirrhosis, choose anti-virus and anti-hepatic fibrosis drugs at the same time, the best effect. Appropriate dose interferon treatment of hepatitis B is very common, very meticulous grasp dose. If the dose is too small, it will not be effective; if too much dose, drug toxicity have been strong, and in patients with unbearable body. Chinese people generally believed that the appropriate dose of five million to 600 million units / day, 1 time use. An appropriate time such as long-acting interferon week 1 times a week to ensure that patients with the blood drug concentration remained in the effective range of patients can reduce the pain and trouble. Appropriate route of administration must be integrated into the purpose of drug use, drug nature, a patient's body as well as the security situation in the economy, easy and so on. Oral administration of both convenience and economy, but also less affected by the suffering of patients, on the contrary do not advocate intravenous drip easily adopted. Appropriate treatment of hepatitis B patients to emphasize the individual, the person, the principle of treatment, such as interferon treatment object, the disease must be increased in transaminase, hepatitis B virus replication in patients with positive indicators; severe or heavy unfit for use in patients with hepatitis B interferon therapy. Appropriate course of treatment in accordance with the principles of therapeutics to provide drug treatment cycle. Anti-HBV treatment and the treatment of hepatic fibrosis are persistent need of long-term effects obviously can not stop, if necessary, to extend the treatment in order to secure a stable long-lasting effect. For example, lamivudine and interferon treatment of hepatitis B, treatment need more than 1 year. However, some drugs are not suitable for long-term use, it is necessary to avoid the extension of delivery time, reduce the accumulation of poisoning, HIV drug resistance, drug-dependent, such as the emergence of adverse reactions. For example, patients with hepatitis B as soon as fever, anti-inflammatory drug use must take principle, so disease medicine only.