Patients with hepatitis B and how to live together?

It does not matter to eat together, do not share toothbrushes, razors, etc. "Doctors, patients with hepatitis B and I eat rice, will not be infected with hepatitis B virus?" "Doctors, patients with hepatitis B and I lived together, as if infected with the hepatitis B virus." On the mere mention of these people who came to the hepatitis B digestive internal medicine consultation, for fear that their infected with the hepatitis B virus in Henan Province People's Hospital director Dr. YANG Yu-xiu said that the health concerns is a good thing, but on some unreasonable to ask. Hepatitis B virus of the most dangerous route of transmission was human blood and body fluids. Patients with hepatitis B and eat together, except in patients with the virus in saliva get food, you have been eating into the mouth, and you just suffering from mouth ulcers, which also happens to the virus in the ulcer site, you can be infected with hepatitis B Virus. Mother to child transmission are in the process of birth mothers have the virus in the body fluids into the child in the child inside her mother's nutrition absorption, it is normal for the majority. Foreign scholars have made an interesting experiment. Two gorillas, one carrying hepatitis B virus, no one, Huan Yigan gorillas stomach food transferred to a normal gorilla of the stomach, only to wait until the normal gorilla to digest the food, did not It was detected in the blood of hepatitis B virus. However, the danger is that with a toothbrush to brush their teeth Huanyi Gan gorilla, the toothbrush is not treated, and then it is normal for the gorillas brush their teeth as a result, it's normal gorillas have unfortunately been infected by hepatitis B virus. This reminds us of the experiment, and do not have to live with hepatitis B patients make a fuss, and patients should be careful not to share toothbrushes, razors, and other body fluids and blood can lead to the spread of dangerous goods can be a


juliet caria said...

I just get cured of hepatitis b, with the help of this clinic, HEALTH MED LAB, who deliver the medicine to me with the menu just after 2 Months i was tested Negative, If you are suffering for HVB please contact them for help here is their email.

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